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Fluorite Crystal Skull Green AAA+ S5 2251g : Stability : Purity : Clarity


Huge banded Fluorite crystal skull weighing 2251g measuring 170mm by 112mm by 85mm, gorgeous deep green colour to this crystal, very tranquil, with different depths to the green colour, with translucency which allows the light to travel through. Strong energy coming off this batch of skulls I?ve bought, I?d love to keep them all.

Healing Stone for the Heart and Third Eye Chakra Clarity / Stability / Purity 1113 + Stand 832g AAA+

Fluorite is one of nature?s multi purpose stones, it draws out negative energies and stresses whilst purifying, cleansing and reorganising, getting rid of that that?s no longer needed and bringing clarity to bear and enhancing concentration and mental dexterity. It is an incredibly stabilising Stone, helping us see the bigger picture.

An excellent learning aid and self improver.


If the Fluorite crystal has appeared in your life, it might be a sign that it's time for a major emotional facelift. When confusion clouds your mind, rediscover the path to happiness with an all over mind-body-spirit detox using the Fluorite crystal, your spiritual vacuum cleaner for the dust bunnies in your head. Get rid of cluttered thoughts and negative patterns no longer serving your best interest. By balancing the third eye chakra, the Fluorite crystal clears away the fog so that the road to joy is clearly lit and protected from negativity.

Fluorite Meaning & Healing Properties

Fluorite often occurs with other common minerals, including Quartz and Calcite, which makes it an excellent healing tool for its overall cleansing and purifying effects. It typically contains green and purple colors, giving it an incredible synergistic energy that heals and rejuvenates the aura. The green cleanses and purifies the heart chakra by aligning your mind with the true desires of the heart. The perfect prescription for a case of existential burnout, the purple colors in the Fluorite crystal stone helps you discover your divine purpose in life. It opens and stimulates the third eye chakra, clearing the way for spiritual expansion.

Keep the creative juices flowing by meditating with the Fluorite crystal, a stone that gives order to chaos. Sit quietly with Fluorite and call on its gentle healing powers to help you coordinate your physical and mental abilities. As you inhale, imagine its white light of healing vibrations infusing your spirit with its energizing waves of clarity and rejuvenation. When you meditate with Fluorite, it reminds you to step away from the canvas to see the bigger picture. As you exhale, imagine your feelings of confusion and frustration evolving into a sense of peace that comes from its green shades, a color that evokes the spirit of deep tropical seas.