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Posted by Alison - Sunday, 23 Apr 2023 17:04


Moldavite was something we once took for granted to obtain for sale in our shop but it has had something of  a tumultuous time since Covid when it became a rare and very expensive commodity. There were a couple of reasons for this. The ability to locate new pieces of the meteorite was curtailed because of Covid regulations. Moldavite was also mentioned on social media at this time, owning a piece was meant to change your life. Soon we had more enquiries about Moldavite than all other crystals in our shop put together, mostly from people who had never collected crystals in their life. With this lack of availability and increased interest the price rose to crazy high prices. It also became very lucrative for fakers to make money from and market became awash with fakes of varying quality from green glass to actually efforts to make something look like Moldavite. One of the big giveaways with the fakes is that their price is a gift compared to other sellers. 

Back in 2021 at the peak of the price hike I decided I would only sell Moldavite again if I could get it from my original Czech supplier and if the price came down considerably from its 2021 levels. The price had gone to ten times what I paid at the beginning of 2020. The price to buy now is 25% of what it was at its peak in 2021 and my supplier is back supplying so I’m happy to have Moldavite for sale again. 

Owning Moldavite and working with Moldavite is such a unique experience that I’m glad to have it back within the catalogue of crystals we sell.

Moldavite - the Beginning

Moldavite is the only tektite of gemstone quality. It is a vitreous silica rock that can be found in dark green colour and blue-green. Moldavite is a form of tektite and is a 5.5-7 on the Mohs hardness scale. 

Moldavite is found only in and bordering the Czech Republic.  Tektites are a type of natural glass that is created when a meteorite strikes the earth.  For almost 15 million years Moldavite has made its home here on Mother Earth. Born from a meteorite that is believed to have crashed into the Bohemian plateau (the modern-day Czech Republic), the impact was believed to have been so fierce that it smashed straight through and into the earth’s core leaving pieces of molten rock scattered for miles. Later this rock hardened into Moldavite - a rare forest green gem that can be found along the Moldau river. As Moldavite has been with us for millions and millions of years, it has passed through the hands of our ancestors. Even as far back as neolithic times, Moldavite was used as a good luck stone especially when it came to matters of fertility. The sudden heat and pressure of the strike, instantly melts the impact zone and sends molten silica clouds into the air.  As the silica re-hardens, it falls back to the earth as Tektites.  

Archaeologists have found cutting tools alongside Moldavite amulets dating back to 25,000 BC out in eastern Europe. And to this very day, we still adore Moldavite for the magic it can bring us. 

There was also a rumour that Moldavite was the stone of the holy grail (although it’s also believed to be emerald) But as the holy grail was known to be a stone that rejuvenated people and helped them to heal, it could be Moldavite as this life-giving gem also shares those same qualities. 

As it literally fell from the stars, Moldavite is highly respected and revered in the spiritual community. It has an intense frequency and even when touching it you can feel this energy surge right through. It’s a stone that certainly turns up the dial when it comes to accelerating spiritual and emotional journeys and this can take some getting used to. As Moldavite is earth and stardust infused, it is genuinely a stone of transformation and can bring out some incredible changes in those who know how to harness its otherworldly energy.

Moldavite is rare, precious and can be pricey because so much of it still sits too deep in the earth. Extracting Moldavite is complex work and refining it is also a delicate job which makes it even more special. Moldavite isn’t here en masse and it’s likely to go extinct as there is only a limited supply of it on our planet. 

Moldavite is said to be rediscovered since ancient times by Dr. Josef Mayer near the Vltava River in the Czech Republic and was referred to as vltavín. However, in German, the river is called Moldau and the area the stone was found is Moldauthein. The gem was named after the German name for the city and became moldavite in English.

When Dr. Mayer found this "glass," he believed it was a beryl produced by volcanic activity. Its 12-million-year extraterrestrial origins weren't discovered until centuries later. Moldavite stones were often set in jewellery during the Baroque era (1600s), but it's believed the gemstone was used as far back as the Paleolithic period. One of the more famous moldavite jewellery creations is a raw moldavite stone set in platinum, accented with diamond and black pearl given to Queen Elizabeth II in the 1960s by the Swiss government on the tenth anniversary of her coronation.

Moldavite Metaphysical Properties

Moldavite is said to bring good luck to those who wear it, according to Bohemian legend. It was also believed moldavite could help bring harmony in marital relationships and so was a common betrothal gift. Moldavite has been used for creating talismans and amulets to bring good fortune, protection and even help with increasing fertility.

Many believe that the olive green and earthly energy of Moldavite was sent to us to help us ascend. There’s no denying this gem has big energy and with big energy comes big shifts. Moldavite has an intensely high frequency and that fact married with its cosmic collisions and its earthly and extraterrestrial vibes make it a strong stone indeed. 

Some people when holding Moldavite for the very first time may even experience what is called the Moldavite flush. The green gem can let off an intense warmth which can send a tingling sensation through the body and lead to the wearer or holder becoming light-headed, giddy, and having a big energy shift. For some people this can be overwhelming. Moldavite takes some getting used to, but when you have made your connection with it, this gem can take you to places and along paths you didn’t even know were possible. 

If you're cynical, you may want to wear moldavite as this stone is believed to help counter cynicism. A stone from the cosmos, it's no surprise moldavite can help us appreciate the wonders of the universe. Though moldavite isn't a traditional birthstone, due to its extraterrestrial origin, moldavite is a stone of the stars and works well for all astrological signs. Moldavite is said to interact with the heart chakra, though it can also stimulate the third eye and crown chakras.

Physical Healing with Moldavite 

Moldavite was something we once took for granted to obtain for sale in our shop but it has had something of  a tumultuous time since Covid when it became a rare and very expensive commodity. There were a couple of reasons for this. The ability to locate new pieces of the meteorite was curtailed because of Covid regulations. Moldavite was also mentioned on social media at this time, owning a piece was meant to change your life. Soon we had more enquiries about Moldavite than all other crystals in our shop put together, mostly from people who had never collected crystals in their life. With this lack of availability and increased interest the price rose to crazy high prices. It also became very lucrative for fakers to make money from and market became awash with fakes of varying quality from green glass to actually efforts to make something look like Moldavite. One of the big giveaways with the fakes is that their price is a gift compared to other sellers. 

Back in 2021 at the peak of the price hike I decided I would only sell Moldavite again if I could get it from my original Czech supplier and if the price came down considerably from its 2021 levels. The price had gone to ten times what I paid at the beginning of 2020. The price to buy now is 25% of what it was at its peak in 2021 and my supplier is back supplying so I’m happy to have Moldavite for sale again. 

Owning Moldavite and working with Moldavite is such a unique experience that I’m glad to have it back within the catalogue of crystals we sell. 

The History of Moldavite 

Moldavite is the only tektite of gemstone quality. It is a vitreous silica rock that can be found in dark green colour and blue-green. Moldavite is a form of tektite and is a 5.5-7 on the Mohs hardness scale. 

Moldavite is found only in and bordering the Czech Republic.  Tektites are a type of natural glass that is created when a meteorite strikes the earth.  For almost 15 million years Moldavite has made its home here on Mother Earth. Born from a meteorite that is believed to have crashed into the Bohemian plateau (the modern-day Czech Republic), the impact was believed to have been so fierce that it smashed straight through and into the earth’s core leaving pieces of molten rock scattered for miles. Later this rock hardened into Moldavite - a rare forest green gem that can be found along the Moldau river. As Moldavite has been with us for millions and millions of years, it has passed through the hands of our ancestors. Even as far back as neolithic times, Moldavite was used as a good luck stone especially when it came to matters of fertility. The sudden heat and pressure of the strike, instantly melts the impact zone and sends molten silica clouds into the air.  As the silica re-hardens, it falls back to the earth as Tektites.  

Archaeologists have found cutting tools alongside Moldavite amulets dating back to 25,000 BC out in eastern Europe. And to this very day, we still adore Moldavite for the magic it can bring us. 

There was also a rumour that Moldavite was the stone of the holy grail (although it’s also believed to be emerald) But as the holy grail was known to be a stone that rejuvenated people and helped them to heal, it could be Moldavite as this life-giving gem also shares those same qualities. 

As it literally fell from the stars, Moldavite is highly respected and revered in the spiritual community. It has an intense frequency and even when touching it you can feel this energy surge right through. It’s a stone that certainly turns up the dial when it comes to accelerating spiritual and emotional journeys and this can take some getting used to. As Moldavite is earth and stardust infused, it is genuinely a stone of transformation and can bring out some incredible changes in those who know how to harness its otherworldly energy.

Moldavite is rare, precious and can be pricey because so much of it still sits too deep in the earth. Extracting Moldavite is complex work and refining it is also a delicate job which makes it even more special. Moldavite isn’t here en masse and it’s likely to go extinct as there is only a limited supply of it on our planet. 

Moldavite is said to be rediscovered since ancient times by Dr. Josef Mayer near the Vltava River in the Czech Republic and was referred to as vltavín. However, in German, the river is called Moldau and the area the stone was found is Moldauthein. The gem was named after the German name for the city and became moldavite in English.

When Dr. Mayer found this "glass," he believed it was a beryl produced by volcanic activity. Its 12-million-year extraterrestrial origins weren't discovered until centuries later. Moldavite stones were often set in jewellery during the Baroque era (1600s), but it's believed the gemstone was used as far back as the Paleolithic period. One of the more famous moldavite jewellery creations is a raw moldavite stone set in platinum, accented with diamond and black pearl given to Queen Elizabeth II in the 1960s by the Swiss government on the tenth anniversary of her coronation.

Moldavite Metaphysical Properties

Moldavite is said to bring good luck to those who wear it, according to Bohemian legend. It was also believed moldavite could help bring harmony in marital relationships and so was a common betrothal gift. Moldavite has been used for creating talismans and amulets to bring good fortune, protection and even help with increasing fertility.

Many believe that the olive green and earthly energy of Moldavite was sent to us to help us ascend. There’s no denying this gem has big energy and with big energy comes big shifts. Moldavite has an intensely high frequency and that fact married with its cosmic collisions and its earthly and extraterrestrial vibes make it a strong stone indeed. 

Some people when holding Moldavite for the very first time may even experience what is called the Moldavite flush. The green gem can let off an intense warmth which can send a tingling sensation through the body and lead to the wearer or holder becoming light-headed, giddy, and having a big energy shift. For some people this can be overwhelming. Moldavite takes some getting used to, but when you have made your connection with it, this gem can take you to places and along paths you didn’t even know were possible. 

If you're cynical, you may want to wear moldavite as this stone is believed to help counter cynicism. A stone from the cosmos, it's no surprise moldavite can help us appreciate the wonders of the universe. Though moldavite isn't a traditional birthstone, due to its extraterrestrial origin, moldavite is a stone of the stars and works well for all astrological signs. Moldavite is said to interact with the heart chakra, though it can also stimulate the third eye and crown chakras.

Physical Healing with Moldavite

Moldavite is a stone of sublime transformation and in order to heal and ascend, it helps to know every corner of our body. This green gem helps to illuminate those darkened corners so we can see where we are out of balance and get back on track. It encourages rejuvenation and healing, inviting cells to turnover and to move away from damage. The high vibrations of Moldavite can also help shift blocks which can contribute to ongoing pain and progressive illnesses. Like other green gems, it is also good for strengthening and healing eyes and sorting gastric ailments too. It is believed that Moldavite can also slow down the ageing process and brighten our mental clarity too. 

Emotional Healing with Moldavite

Guiding us towards new heights, Moldavite plays a huge role when it comes to our mental and emotional healing. It’s a stone connected to the heart chakra (other green stones) meaning that it is always keen to encourage us to open our hearts, let go of negative energy, and practice the art of perfectly messy self-love. Moldavite doesn’t do things by halves, this stone is sublime at helping to clear out archaic patterns and ideas in order to guide you to a new place where you can thrive. Moldavite does the deep dive - it goes to places untouched and untethers you from traumas you could have been carrying for many years. While this may seem overwhelming it’s important, as only by shining a bright light on hidden corners can we see where we need to heal.

Metaphysical Properties of Moldavite

Made of stardust and from places unknown, Moldavite definitely scores big when it comes to metaphysical magic. This gem is said to be an amulet sent to earth to help us ascend. It’s a stone that serves the spiritual community helping to awaken and strengthen psychic abilities, encouraging people to get in touch with their past life lessons, and connecting you to spirit guides and ethereal beings who can show you the way. Along with opening you up to spiritual forces, this gem can also keep you protected. It shares similar properties to Obsidian with its ability to throw up a forcefield of positive power to stop any bad vibes and harmful entities from getting through.

Moldavite Geological Properties

Moldavite occurs in varieties of green from pale to deep forest, though some greenish-brown specimens have also been found. Medium green--aka "bottle green"--with no brown is the most preferred colour. Typically opaque, moldavite in rare instances can be transparent and is worth a substantial amount more than opaque varieties. Gemstone-quality moldavite is often categorised as regular or museum grade. Medium-grade moldavite usually has higher transparency with fern-like patterns. Regular moldavite is darker, can have brownish colouring and has more of a pitted look. Moldavite's texture is one of its most intriguing characteristics since the raw gemstone looks wrinkled, etched or imprinted.

The largest deposits of Moldavite were found in the upper Vltava River basin of the Czech Republic. Moldavite gemstones have also been found in Moravia. Moldavite from the Moravia region tend to be more brown in colour and are sometimes referred to as moravita. Some moldavite has also been found in Austria, though the amount discovered has been significantly less than in the previously mentioned two regions.

Everything about Moldavite is amazing. It may or may not be a stone for you but one thing is sure, it is a unique addition in the crystal world. 



